اینم میذارم یادگاری از 11.11.11 میلادی
عملیات گودر 2 بالاخره هر نسلی تو ایران باید بجنگه چه فیزیکی چه مجازی... ما هم تو گردان الگودر بودیم لشگر ریدر
خوب این طرحی که میبینید رفت واسه عملیات و تو حدود 1-2 ساعت تو کل دنیا تقریبا رفت رتبه 1 هات لیست البته این فقط طرح گرافیکیش بود و یه متنی باهاش بود که از مسئولان گوگل می خواست یه سری تغییرات رو انجام بدن یا گودر قدیم رو برگردونن
حالا متن رو هم میذارم
لازم به ذکره که طراح این طرح گرافیکی من بودم
متن ذیل این طرح هم اینه :
Google Officials
As you know after removing social features of Google Reader, many of users have to work up with G+ despite the propensity. But it seems that your engineering team merged these two in hurry so some very helpful features have been ignored. Hence we want to propose our suggestions as listed below:
1. Showing total number of +1s and times of sharing a note on the original note.
2. Showing the number of unread notes of each circle and separating them from read ones.
3. Showing the full description of shared links.
4. Star adding on the interested items.
5. Using HTML codes for formatting the texts in google plus text editors.
6. Changing the Home Page of G+ according to user preferences.
7. Possibility of changing Stream View to List View.
8. Defining applicable shortcut keys especially for +1 and sharing.
We believe that a progressed social network will be achieved in a mutual understanding and cooperation between user and company. We are at the beginning of a long way.
Google Officials
As you know after removing social features of Google Reader, many of users have to work up with G+ despite the propensity. But it seems that your engineering team merged these two in hurry so some very helpful features have been ignored. Hence we want to propose our suggestions as listed below:
1. Showing total number of +1s and times of sharing a note on the original note.
2. Showing the number of unread notes of each circle and separating them from read ones.
3. Showing the full description of shared links.
4. Star adding on the interested items.
5. Using HTML codes for formatting the texts in google plus text editors.
6. Changing the Home Page of G+ according to user preferences.
7. Possibility of changing Stream View to List View.
8. Defining applicable shortcut keys especially for +1 and sharing.
We believe that a progressed social network will be achieved in a mutual understanding and cooperation between user and company. We are at the beginning of a long way.
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